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Audi - Q8 ()

Discover the historical prices of cars in our comprehensive database, including the luxurious Audi Q8. As a trusted source for accurate and up-to-date car prices, we pride ourselves on providing car enthusiasts, buyers, and sellers with the data they need to make informed decisions. Take a closer look at the key specifications that make the Audi Q8 stand out:

  • Brand: Audi
  • Model: Q8
  • Engine Type: Turbocharged 3.0-liter V6, mild hybrid system
  • Horsepower: 335 hp
  • Transmission: Eight-speed automatic
  • Drivetrain: Quattro all-wheel drive
  • Fuel Economy: 17 city / 21 hwy mpg
  • Seating capacity: 5
  • Average resale value: To be provided by our database

Our website offers a complete record of the Audi Q8 historical prices, giving you access to pricing trends and crucial market insights. Whether you're thinking about buying a used Audi Q8, selling one, or even just interested in the history of car prices, our site has everything you need. Navigate through our extensive database and learn more about the features, performance, and pricing history of the Audi Q8 and other car models.

We've made it easy to search for specific car models as you dive deep into the fascinating world of automobile price histories. So why wait? Begin your journey in exploring the historical prices of the Audi Q8 now!

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
3 years ago used £61,950.00 Unlock all links
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