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Audi - S6 (2008)

Looking for historical prices of the Audi S6 2008? Look no further as we provide an encompassing database of prices for this remarkable car. The Audi S6 2008 is known for its high performance and luxurious feel.

At our website, you can conveniently check the historical prices of the Audi S6 2008 and get a comprehensive understanding of its pricing trends over the years. We also offer a detailed Specification list for the Audi S6 2008, which includes:

  • Engine: 5.2 L V10
  • Transmission: 6-speed automatic
  • Horsepower: 435 hp @ 6800 rpm
  • Torque: 398 ft-lbs. @ 3000 rpm
  • Drive Type: All wheel drive
  • Seating Capacity: 5 persons
  • Fuel Economy: 14/19 mpg
  • Weight: 4464 lbs.

We maintain the most comprehensive database of car prices and specifications, continually updated to meet your need for accurate information. Our records span over a decade, making us an authority in the valuation of cars such as the Audi S6 2008 model.

With our extensive database of historical car prices, you can make well-informed decisions whether you're buying, selling, or researching. Visit our website frequently to stay updated with the latest price trends of Audi S6 and other models. Our goal is to empower our audience with credible and timely information to help you succeed in the car marketplace.

Last 20 car trackeds

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3 years ago used US$15,877.00 Unlock all links
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