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Audi - TT RS (2009)

If you wish to find insights about the historical prices for Audi cars, you've come to the right place. We've been collecting data for several years, providing accurate and reliable information. One such vehicle we have information on is the dynamic and popular Audi TT RS 2009.

Below, we've compiled an HTML list of specs for the Audi TT RS 2009 model to arm you with detailed insight when checking the historical values:

  • Make: Audi
  • Model: TT RS
  • Year: 2009
  • Transmission: 6-speed manual
  • Engine: 2.5L 5-cylinder TFSI
  • Power: 340 hp
  • Torque: 450 Nm
  • 0-60 MPH: 4.6 seconds
  • Top Speed: 155 mph (electronically limited)
  • Drivetrain: All-wheel drive (Quattro)
  • Fuel Economy: 18 mpg city / 25 mpg highway

All these features and specs have an impact on the historical price of the Audi TT RS 2009. Be sure to browse and dig deeper into our extensive database where we reveal historical car prices to inform smart buying decisions.

Consider our site as your ultimate resource leaving no stones unturned, especially for avid fans of the Audi brand or vintage car collectors, our website offers invaluable historical records of car prices, which includes Audi TT RS 2009 and other classic models.

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2 years ago used £13,300.00 Unlock all links
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