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Ford - C-Max Hybrid (2018)

Discover the historical prices of the popular Ford C-Max Hybrid 2018 on our website. We provide comprehensive and accurate data on past car prices to help you make informed decisions on purchasing, selling, or trading used vehicles.

The Ford C-Max Hybrid 2018 is a well-rounded vehicle with a number of impressive features. As a compact MPV, it offers a spacious interior paired with a fuel efficient hybrid engine. Here, we have listed the key specifications of the Ford C-Max Hybrid 2018 that adds to its incredible value:

  • Model: C-Max Hybrid 2018
  • Manufacturer: Ford
  • Class: Compact Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)
  • Engine: 2.0L I4 with Permanent Magnet AC Synchronous Motor
  • Transmission: Continuously Variable Automatic (CVT)
  • Drivetrain: Front Wheel Drive
  • Seating Capacity: 5
  • Fuel Economy: 42 MPG city / 38 MPG highway

Apart from providing historical prices, our website also offers insights into a car's reliability, ownership costs, and more. Find out all information about the Ford C-Max Hybrid 2018 to give you a clear understanding of what to expect from this fuel-efficient vehicle.

Explore our platform to get detailed prices and compare with other cars of the same class. Whether you're a potential buyer or seller, our website will offer factual and updated information about the Ford C-Max Hybrid 2018.

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10 months ago used US$17,995.00 Unlock all links
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