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Ford - Explorer Hybrid (2020)

Tracking car price history has never been easier than with our comprehensive online resource. We provide detailed price reports for thousands of cars, including popular models such as the Ford Explorer Hybrid 2020. Whether you're buying or selling a Ford Explorer Hybrid 2020, access to this historical data can help you make an informed decision.

Let's take a look at some pivotal specifications of the Ford Explorer Hybrid 2020:

  • Engine: 3.3L V6 + Electric
  • Power: 318 hp combined
  • Transmission: 10-speed automatic
  • Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive/4-wheel Drive
  • Fuel Economy: 27 city / 29 hwy mpg
  • Passengers Capacity: Up to 7 passengers
  • Towing Capacity: Up to 5000 pounds

By reviewing these specifications and employing our historical car price data, consumers can gauge the ongoing market value of the Ford Explorer Hybrid 2020. This model is well-loved for its versatile seating arrangements, robust towing capacity, and impressive fuel economy, making it a great option for those in need of a family car with hybrid efficiency.

Use our website to explore car price histories, check out detailed specifications of various models, compare prices over time, and educate yourself about the car market trends. Check back often as we continually update our database with the latest car price figures.

Understanding the historical price trend of the Ford Explorer Hybrid 2020 or any other car model can benefit you significantly when it comes to buying or selling. Knowledge is power, and we aim to equip you with that power. Head over to our website to start exploring now.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
8 months ago used US$32,000.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used US$22,995.00 Unlock all links
Note that old links may not work