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Ford - Focus ST (2022)

Looking for historical data about car pricing? You have arrived at the right spot! Our website gives you the most comprehensive and accurate data when it comes to the historical prices of different cars and models. One such profile in our database is about the Ford Focus ST 2022, a highly desired model from the famous automobile manufacturer, Ford.

The Ford Focus ST 2022 is part of Ford's legendary Focus line. Known for its high performance and compact luxury, the Focus ST is sure to provide the ride of your life. Let’s look at the specifications of the 2022 model:

  • Make and Model: Ford Focus ST 2022
  • Type: Compact Sports Sedan
  • Engine: 2.3 L EcoBoost® I-4
  • Horsepower: 276 HP
  • Torque: 310 lb-ft
  • Drivetrain: Front Wheel Drive (FWD)
  • Transmission: 6-speed manual or 7-speed automatic
  • Fuel Economy: 23 MPG city, 32 MPG highway
  • Seating Capacity: 5 passengers
  • Car Safety Rating: 5 Star

Now, onto its historical pricing. On our website, you can see how the price of the Ford Focus ST has changed over time, from its initial release to the present day. You will have access to a comprehensive price history graph detailing the decrease or increase in cost over the years, providing valuable insights for your automotive decision making.

Whether you're interested in comparing the prices of different models or just curious about the invaluable history of Ford Focus ST 2022, our website offers comprehensive data for all. So why wait? Start exploring the history of Ford Focus ST 2022 prices now!

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
7 months ago used £29,500.00 Unlock all links
9 months ago used £33,500.00 Unlock all links
11 months ago used £33,999.00 Unlock all links
Note that old links may not work