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Ford - GT (2008)

Discover the historical prices of the iconic Ford GT 2008, an exceptional model in the automobile industry, known for its fantastic performance and timeless design. We provide accurate and detailed data about car prices and specifications. Use our website to compare prices and make the best decision before you invest in this fantastic car.

Below are the specifics for the Ford GT 2008:

  • Make: Ford
  • Model: GT
  • Year: 2008
  • Engine: Supercharged V8
  • Power: 550 horsepower
  • Torque: 500 lb-ft
  • Fuel Economy: 12 city / 19 highway MPG
  • Weight: 3,660 lbs
  • Transmission: 6-speed manual

With us, historical car price analysis is available at your fingertips. Understand how the price has changed throughout the years for the Ford GT 2008. Discover if now is the right time for investment. Make an informed decision by leveraging our extensive dataset of car models and their price histories.

Whether you're a car enthusiast, a potential buyer, or simply fascinated by the automotive industry's history, our website provides comprehensive data about the historical prices and features of popular models like the Ford GT 2008. Explore detailed specifications, understand market trends, and dive deep into the world of automobiles with us.

Our website provides accurate and updated information dealing with the historical prices of cars. Whatever your need is, whether it is price comparison, checking the price trend over years for a Ford GT 2008, or insight on any other car model, we have got you covered.

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