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Ford - Mustang (2001)

Discover the in-depth historical pricing and specifications of the Ford Mustang 2001 at our car history website. We offer detailed information that includes every single aspect of the Ford Mustang 2001. Our comprehensive database is your one-stop shop for data about this classic car.

The Ford Mustang 2001 is a remarkable car. From its detailed specifications to its price history, all information is available in one place.

Here are the specifications for the Ford Mustang 2001:

  • Make: Ford
  • Model: Mustang
  • Year: 2001
  • Body Style: Coupe/Convertible
  • Transmission: Manual 5-Speed/Automatic 4-Speed
  • Engine: 3.8L V6/4.6L V8
  • Horsepower: 190 hp (V6) / 260 hp (V8)
  • Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
  • Fuel Economy: City 18/Hwy 27/Comb 21 MPG

Ever wondered how much the Ford Mustang 2001 cost when it first hit the market? Or perhaps, how its value has depreciated over the years? With our detailed price history, you can look back at the original prices and compare them to today's used car market.

Whether you are a car enthusiast, potential buyer, or even just a curious individual, you'll find our resources helpful in gaining an understanding of the Ford Mustang 2001's worth and features.

Keep in mind, the prices and specs may vary slightly based on different sources or the car's condition. Always ensure to check our database for the most accurate and updated information.

With our historical data on car prices and features like the Ford Mustang 2001, you can make informed decisions if you're in the market to buy or sell similar models. Explore the site for more historical data on various car models.

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11 months ago used US$3,000.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used £16,995.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used £16,995.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used US$7,995.00 Unlock all links
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