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Ford - Orion (1982)

Visit our website for an in-depth exploration of historical car prices, showcasing vehicles like the classic Ford Orion 1982. Our comprehensive database offers a wealth of data for auto enthusiasts, students, historians, and car collectors interested in the history of automotives and their value over time.

By using our easily navigable web interfaces, you can dig into specifics such as original sale prices, resale values, and price trends over time. For instance, let's delve into the captivating specs of the Ford Orion 1982:

  • Make: Ford
  • Model: Orion
  • Year: 1982
  • Body Style: Compact Sedan
  • Engine: Available in 1.3L and 1.6L engine options
  • Fuel type: Petrol
  • Transmission: Manual, 4 or 5-speed
  • Designed in: Europe
  • Production: Produced between the years 1983 and 1993

There's far more to discover on our site. Whether you're a Ford enthusiast wanting to dive into the history of the Ford Orion 1982, a budding car collector seeking insights on historical car values, or simply fascinated by automotive history, our website has endless resources for you to explore. We believe in preserving and presenting historical car prices in an informative, accurate, and user-friendly manner.

Unlock the wealth of information on historical car prices—where you can appreciate the past while understanding the present and forecasting the future—right here on our site.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
1 year ago used €22,500.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used €22,500.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used €22,500.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used €22,500.00 Unlock all links
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