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Land Rover

Land Rover - Discovery ()

As one of the leading websites showcasing historical car prices, our database includes an extensive variety of car models, including the popular Land Rover Discovery. Available in different models over the years, the Land Rover Discovery has remained a favorite among car enthusiasts because of its unique blend of luxury, durability, and off-road performance. For users researching historical car prices, our platform maintains updated data on the Land Rover Discovery, covering various models, years, and specs.

Below, we provide a list of key specs for the Land Rover Discovery:

  • Brand: Land Rover
  • Model: Discovery
  • Price: Dependant on model & year
  • Body Type: SUV
  • Transmission: Automatic & Manual variants available
  • Engine: V6 Turbo Diesel or Petrol
  • Drivetrain: Four Wheel Drive
  • Fuel Economy: Approximately 20-26 MPG combined city and highway
  • Standard Safety Features: ABS, Traction Control Systems, Airbags, Electronic Stability Control, and more

We invite all car enthusiasts and potential Land Rover Discovery owners to browse through our extensive database. Not only do we provide historical prices, we also offer an abundance of vehicle information, reviews, comparisons, and more. Our goal is to help car buyers make informed decisions by providing comprehensive, easy-to-access, and up-to-date data. Visit us regularly to stay updated on the latest trends, prices and specs related to the Land Rover Discovery.

Happy car hunting!

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
3 years ago used £32,590.00 Unlock all links
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