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Land Rover

Land Rover - Freelander (1999)

Looking for detailed information about the Land Rover Freelander 1999? Our website provides accurate historical pricing data on this classic SUV. Plus, we offer an extensive list of specifications that will give you a detailed overview of what this vehicle has to offer. If you're considering buying or selling a Land Rover Freelander 1999, let our historical pricing data guide your decision.

Land Rover Freelander 1999: Detailed Specs

  • Manufacturer: Land Rover
  • Model: Freelander
  • Year: 1999
  • Body Style: SUV
  • Engine: 1.8L K-Series or 2.0L turbo Diesel
  • Transmission: 5-speed manual, 6-speed automatic
  • Drive Type: 4WD
  • Fuel Economy: Approximately 25-30 MPG combined
  • Seating Capacity: Up to 5 passengers
  • Towing Capacity: up to 2,000 lbs

Understanding the detailed specs of the Land Rover Freelander 1999 helps you gain insights into its performance, fuel economy, and overall capability. Along with our historical pricing data, making an informed decision about buying or selling this vehicle is much easier.

Whether you're a car enthusiast, a potential buyer or seller, our website is the go-to source for historical car prices and specs. Check back regularly for updated prices, or browse through our vast database for other car models and years.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
2 years ago used €2,490.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used €2,490.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used €2,490.00 Unlock all links
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