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Land Rover

Land Rover - Other Models (1986)

Looking for details about the Land Rover Other Models 1986 to understand its value? Our website is the definitive go-to source for historical car prices, including the Land Rover Other Models 1986. In addition to providing valuable car price history, we offer comprehensive car specs information. From powertrains and performance to dimensions and safety features, we've collated a catalogue of specs to help you understand the true worth of the Land Rover Other Models 1986.

  • Make and Model: Land Rover Other Models 1986
  • Body Style: Available in two-door hardtop, convertible, and station wagon variants
  • Engine: Equipped with an efficient V8 petrol engine or diesel engine
  • Transmission: Features a five-speed manual gearbox for smooth and seamless shifts
  • Performance: Known for its exceptional off-road abilities and sturdy design
  • Dimensions: Offers a spacious interior with ample legroom and comfortable seating
  • Safety Features: Includes reinforced steel frame, seatbelts, and effective braking system

For an authentic understanding of car prices history and a detailed view of the mechanical makeup that defines the value of a car like the Land Rover Other Models 1986, we are your go-to resource. Explore our website for a deep-dive into not just the price history of the Land Rover Other Models 1986, but also of countless other models and makes from years gone by.

Key factors such as the vehicle's make and model, engine type, transmission, performance, dimensions, and safety features, all impact the price of a vehicle. With access to thorough information about these aspects of the Land Rover Other Models 1986, prospective buyers and car enthusiasts can make informed decisions based on the car's historical price and its noteworthy specs.

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2 years ago used £12,345.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used £12,345.00 Unlock all links
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