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Land Rover

Land Rover - Series (1967)

Welcome to our unique website where you can explore the historical car prices, especially the iconic Land Rover Series 1967. This renowned off-road beast has a memorable history and a strong reputation worldwide. Dive deeper into the specifics that made this vehicle a legend amongst car enthusiasts and historians alike.

Discover an in-depth overview of the Land Rover Series 1967, detailing all key specifications and features that set it apart from its competitors back in the 1960s. Our comprehensive list of specs includes:

  • Manufacturer: Land Rover
  • Model Year: 1967
  • Body Style: 2-door and 4-door
  • Engine: 2.25L petrol or 2.25L diesel
  • Transmission: 4-speed manual
  • Wheelbase: Short (88 inches) or Long (109 inches)
  • Top Speed: Up to 70 mph
  • Off-road Capabilities: Superior with durable 4WD

Explore the rugged durability and impressive performance of the Land Rover Series 1967 through our user-friendly platform. Learn about the evolution of this classic ride, its historical market value, and more. Unearth the fascinating journey of this automobile legend, right from its inception to how it evolved over the years. With us, delve into the heart of automotive history and rediscover the magic of the Land Rover Series 1967.

Our website hosts an impressive catalogue of historical car prices and detailed specifications of iconic models. With us, you can uncover the allure of vintage automobiles, shedding light on their remarkable journeys throughout car history. Whether you're a vintage car enthusiast, a historian, or a curious explorer, our website is your one-stop platform for all the auto history and value data you need. Keep driving into the past with us!

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3 years ago used £9,995.00 Unlock all links
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