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Mercedes-Benz - A Class AMG ()

Searching for Mercedes-Benz A Class AMG historical prices? You've come to the right place! We provide a comprehensive record of past prices for this highly sought-after model, ensuring that you are well-informed whether you are buying or selling a Mercedes-Benz A Class AMG.

Here is the list of specifications for the Mercedes-Benz A Class AMG which has made it a popular choice among luxury car enthusiasts:

  • Engine: High performance 2.0 litre four-cylinder engine with twin-scroll turbochargers.
  • Power: An impressive 306 horsepower.
  • Acceleration: 0-100 km/h in 4.7 seconds.
  • Transmission: AMG SPEEDSHIFT DCT 7-Speed sports transmission.
  • Drive: 4MATIC all-wheel drive.
  • Interior: AMG leather package and AMG Performance seats.
  • Technology: Latest Mercedes-Benz user experience (MBUX) infotainment system.

Our website is the go-to resource for historical car prices, especially for high-end models like the Mercedes-Benz A Class AMG. We continually update our records to provide the most accurate information. Browse our website to find past prices of the Mercedes-Benz A Class AMG and make an informed decision for your next auto investment.

Finding accurate historical car prices can be a daunting task. That’s why we strive to simplify the process and offer the most reliable data. With our extensive database, you can confidently navigate the world of car pricing and secure the best deals possible.

Learn more about the Mercedes-Benz A Class AMG, its features, and its price history on our site. Happy car hunting!

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2 years ago used £37,895.00 Unlock all links
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