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Mercedes-Benz - Citan (2014)

Discover the world of the Mercedes-Benz Citan 2014 on our comprehensive online platform, dedicated to providing you historical car prices. We offer a plethora of information and exclusive insights into the past and present value of this notable model by the prestigious automotive manufacturer, Mercedes-Benz.

Our database treasures an impressive amount of data about the Mercedes-Benz Citan 2014, allowing you to track its prices over the years and make informed decisions if you are considering to buy or sell a used model. We take pride in being your trusted partner for insightful, accurate, and latest information about car prices, for models old, new, and in between.

  • Model: Mercedes-Benz Citan 2014
  • Engine: Available with either a 1.2L Petrol or 1.5L Diesel engine
  • Interior: Comfortable seats with robust plastic interior fittings
  • Transmission: Comes with a manual or automatic transmission option
  • Performance: Boasting a fuel economy of around 65mpg and a top speed of 155mph
  • Safety: Equipped with ABS, an immobilizer, and multiple airbags
  • Price: Originally marketed at a price range of £14,000 - £20,000

We help you decipher the depreciation pattern and market trends for the Mercedes-Benz Citan 2014, arming you with the figures and facts needed to negotiate the best deal. Step into our world of historical car prices where we chronicle the financial journey of models like the Mercedes-Benz Citan 2014, guiding you towards lucrative decisions and confident choices.

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3 years ago used €7,790.00 Unlock all links
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