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Mercedes-Benz - S Class (1994)

Discover the historical prices of a classic luxury vehicle, the Mercedes-Benz S Class 1994, on our dedicated car pricing history website. Our accurate, in-depth database provides potential buyers and car enthusiasts with thrilling insights into classic car valuations. Explore our site to analyze trends, historical price points, and make informed decisions about your next classic car purchase.

Before we get into the price history, let's delve into the details of the Mercedes-Benz S Class 1994. Immerse yourself in automotive history as we explore the specs of this marvel of German engineering.

  • Brand: Mercedes-Benz
  • Model: S Class
  • Year: 1994
  • Body Type: Sedan/ Luxury car
  • Engine: Available choices were the 3.2L 6-cylinder, the 4.2L 8-cylinder, or the impressive 6.0L 12-cylinder engine
  • Transmission: 4-speed and 5-speed Automatic
  • Power: Ranging from 228hp to an impressive 402hp, depending on the engine
  • Mileage: Approximately 15 MPG in the city and 21 MPG on the highway
  • Interior: Impeccable luxury with leather seats and real wood trims
  • Safety: ABS and driveline Traction control, front airbags for driver and passenger
  • Features: Standard options included air conditioning with dual zone climate control and a premium sound system

Armed with these detailed specs, you can make an educated assessment about its re-sale value. Visit our website to explore similar information for countless other cars and discover trends in car pricing throughout history. Whether you're a fan of luxurious Mercedes-Benz, a classic car collector, or a car enthusiast, our platform has something for everyone.

Bookmark our website to stay updated about the historical car prices, especially the Mercedes-Benz S Class 1994. Our commitment is to offer the most accurate data, assisting you in navigating the exciting world of classic car investments.

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2 years ago used £12,995.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used £12,995.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used £6,999.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £6,999.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £6,999.00 Unlock all links
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