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Mercedes-Benz - S350 (2006)

Discover historical prices for the luxurious and high performing Mercedes-Benz S350 2006 with our comprehensive database. Our aim is to provide you with detailed and accurate data about historical car prices, especially for iconic brands like Mercedes-Benz. The Mercedes-Benz S350 2006 represents a perfect blend of luxury, style, and performance. Here's a closer look at its specifications.

  • Make and Model: Mercedes-Benz S350 2006
  • Engine: 3.5L V6
  • Transmission: 7-speed automatic
  • Body Style: 4-door sedan
  • Drive Train: Rear-wheel drive
  • Fuel Type: Premium unleaded
  • Horsepower: 269 hp @ 6000 rpm
  • Torque: 258 lb-ft @ 2400 rpm
  • Seating Capacity: 5 Passengers
  • MPG: 17 city / 25 hwy

Mercedes-Benz S350 2006 was a trendsetter in its era, setting the benchmark for luxury sedans. Access information regarding the historical value of this classic car on our website. Our comprehensive list of historical car prices is designed to help enthusiasts, collectors and investors alike to track the value of classic vehicles like the Mercedes-Benz S350 2006 over time. Dive into the world of classic cars and see how they've appreciated in value over the years.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
2 years ago used £6,500.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £5,950.00 Unlock all links
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