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Mercedes-Benz - SLR (2009)

Are you in the market for a vintage luxury vehicle and curious to know about the historical prices for a specific model? Look no further as our website provides the most comprehensive database of historical car prices. One such model, a classic in its own right, is the Mercedes-Benz SLR 2009. Let's talk about this timeless beauty and its historical price trends.

The Mercedes-Benz SLR 2009 is known for its sleek design, powerful performance, and signature luxury features. We have meticulously curated a list of specs for this iconic vehicle to provide greater insights into its allure for car enthusiasts and collectors alike.

  • Manufacturer: Mercedes-Benz
  • Model: SLR
  • Year: 2009
  • Car Type: Sports car / Coupe
  • Engine: 5.5L V8
  • Power: 617 HP
  • Transmission: 5-speed Automatic
  • Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
  • Doors: 2
  • Seats: 2
  • Fuel Economy: Approximately 12 MPG

To find out more about the Mercedes-Benz SLR 2009 and to understand its price history, navigate through our well-structured platform. We track historical car prices to help you make informed decisions whether you plan to buy a fan-favorite like the SLR or any other model.

To keep check on the pricing trends of historical cars and get the best value for your money, stick with us. Our comprehensive price history database is your tool to better understand the value proposition of various models, including the Mercedes-Benz SLR 2009.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
2 years ago used €722,000.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used €722,000.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used €722,000.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used €722,000.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used €640,000.00 Unlock all links
Note that old links may not work