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Nissan - Maxima (1997)

Discover the detailed specifications and historical prices for the iconic Nissan Maxima 1997 on our website. As a trusted source of comprehensive and accurate data on historical car prices, we provide a wealth of information for car enthusiasts, sellers, and buyers alike.

Whether you're interested in past market values or simply love comparing the specs and features of classic cars, we have it all covered for you. Find below an HTML list of specifications for the admired Nissan Maxima 1997:

  • Make and Model: Nissan Maxima 1997
  • Body Type: Sedan
  • Engine Type: 3.0 L VQ30DE V6
  • Transmission: 5-speed manual or 4-speed automatic
  • Power: 190 HP at 5600 RPM
  • Torque: 205 lb-ft at 4000 RPM
  • Wheelbase: 106.3 inches
  • Length: 189.4 inches
  • Width: 69.7 inches
  • Height: 55.7 inches
  • Weight: 3,146 pounds
  • Fuel Tank Capacity: 18.5 gallons

Stay informed about the Nissan Maxima 1997 and other historical car models by browsing through our extensive database. Learn about price variations over the years, discover facts about different car models and makes, and fuel your passion for cars. We endeavour to provide you with the most accurate and comprehensive data about the Nissan Maxima 1997 in the industry.

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3 years ago used US$4,499.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used US$4,499.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used US$4,499.00 Unlock all links
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