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Nissan - Maxima (2001)

Searching for the historical prices of cars? Our website provides comprehensive records of historical car prices including the Nissan Maxima 2001 model. The Nissan Maxima 2001 is one of the reliable models that earned its name in the automobile market with its powerful performance and impressive specifications. Check out these specifications of the Nissan Maxima 2001 to get a better understanding of its resale value.

  • Manufacturer: Nissan
  • Model Year: 2001
  • Model: Maxima
  • Body Style: Sedan
  • Engine: 3.0 L V6
  • Transmission: 4-speed automatic/5-speed manual
  • Fuel Economy: 19/26 MPG (City/highway)
  • Horsepower: 222 hp
  • Drivetrain: Front-wheel Drive
  • Number of Seats: 5

The Nissan Maxima 2001 came with significant enhancements from its previous model, that reflected in its improved performance and smoother handling. A preferred choice for many car enthusiasts, it is now a gem among used-car buyers due to its reliability and long-lasting performance. Understanding these specifications can help you compare its historical price data effectively.

Visit our website to find accurate data of the Nissan Maxima 2001's historical prices. You can use this data to inform your decisions when buying or selling a used Nissan Maxima 2001. Our goal is to assist you in getting the best deal with historical car prices. Stay tuned to our exciting and comprehensive automobile pricing archive.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
3 years ago used US$5,988.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used US$5,988.00 Unlock all links
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