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Nissan - Navara (2003)

If you are in the market for a used car or truck, our website provides reliable data on historical car prices. One vehicle with a venerable heritage is the Nissan Navara 2003, an off-road powerhouse with Japanese reliability.

Here's a closer look at the Nissan Navara 2003 model, a sturdy double cab workhorse that boasts lasting durability and ride comfort. Let's delve into the specs of this outstanding vehicle:

  • Make: Nissan
  • Model: Navara
  • Year: 2003
  • Engine: 2.5L or 3.0L Diesel
  • Transmission: Manual or automatic
  • Drivetrain: 4WD
  • Body style: Pick-up
  • Fuel Economy: 8.5L/100km city, 7.5L/100km highway

The Nissan Navara 2003 was an early example of the modern-era 'lifestyle ute'. With its strong engine, impressive towing capacity, and roomy interior, it stands out among its contemporaries. When you're looking for a comfortable workhorse or a vehicle for adventurous outings, the Navara 2003 is hard to beat.

To get the best deals on the Nissan Navara 2003 or any other used vehicle, it's always helpful to understand how the market price has shifted over the years. We provide comprehensive data on historical car prices, helping you make an informed decision.

Whether you're a car enthusiast, a first-time buyer, or a seasoned collector, our website is your go-to source for historical car prices. Feel free to explore our database to see how trends have shifted over time, and make your next purchase with confidence and peace of mind.

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2 years ago used £3,194.00 Unlock all links
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