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Nissan - NV Passenger (2019)

Explore our comprehensive database for the historical car prices and get complete insights of the Nissan NV Passenger 2019. Providing a vast range of data pertaining to every model and make, we serve as your ultimate source for determining the realistic, fair price for your car. We accumulate our data from reliable and legitimate resources, letting our users perceive the precise historiographical value and specs of the Nissan NV Passenger 2019.

In addition to providing historical car prices, we also offer detailed specifications for all models and makes, including the Nissan NV Passenger 2019. This model, known for its comfortable passenger space and powerful performance, comes with these remarkable specifications:

  • Engine: 4.0L V6 producing 261hp
  • Transmission: 5-Speed Automatic
  • Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
  • MPG: 14 City / 19 Highway
  • Seating Capacity: 12 Passenger
  • Towing Capacity: Up to 6,200 lbs
  • 208.9 inch Wheelbase
  • 241.9 inch in Length, 84.8 inch in Width and 84 inch in Height
  • Estimated Retail Price for 2019: Around $35,000 to $42,000

Maintaining records of historical car prices allows you to make a more informed decision when buying or selling a car. With us, you can rest assured that you have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information about the Nissan NV Passenger 2019 and other models. We believe in providing an open and integral platform for those seeking credible historical car prices and detailed specifications. Navigate through our extensive historical car prices portfolio to ensure you receive the fair deal you deserve.

Our database is updated frequently to ensure accuracy and your peace of mind. Regardless of whether you're a potential buyer or seller, our comprehensive database is your go-to source for historical car prices, including the Nissan NV Passenger 2019. Shop with confidence, equip yourself with knowledge.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
7 months ago used US$38,969.00 Unlock all links
8 months ago used US$39,468.00 Unlock all links
8 months ago used US$33,900.00 Unlock all links
8 months ago used US$33,900.00 Unlock all links
9 months ago used US$51,750.00 Unlock all links
10 months ago used US$51,750.00 Unlock all links
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