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Nissan - Patrol (2004)

Find the best deal on your ideal car with our comprehensive guide to the Nissan Patrol 2004 specifications and historical car prices. We provide detailed information, helping you to make informed purchase decisions. Discover the market price trends of the Nissan Patrol 2004 model right here and buy your dream car at the right price.

Here are the key specifications for the Nissan Patrol 2004:

  • Body Type: SUV
  • Engine: 4.8L Inline 6, DOHC
  • Power: 251hp @ 4800rpm
  • Torque: 420Nm @ 3600rpm
  • Transmission: 5-Speed Automatic
  • Drivetrain: Four-wheel drive (4WD)
  • Fuel Type: Petrol / gasoline
  • Mileage: 7.8 km/l (combined)
  • Seating Capacity: 7 people
  • Safety Features: ABS, airbags, central locking, etc.

Viewing historical car prices, whether it's for the Nissan Patrol 2004 or any other model, allows you to get a better gauge of the car's true value. You can then step into negotiations with confidence and hopefully secure the best possible price. By comparing previous car prices, you can identify if a vehicle's price is heading up or down and buy it at the perfect time to save money. Browse our website for more historical car prices and detailed vehicle specifications.

Remember, information is power in the car-buying process. Get the best deal on your Nissan Patrol 2004 with our historical car price guide.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
1 year ago used €14,300.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used €14,500.00 Unlock all links
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