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Nissan - Primastar (2006)

If you're interested in the historical prices and specifications of different car models, our website is just what you need. We provide a deep insight into various automotive models, and one of our many entries is the Nissan Primastar 2006 - a car renowned for its reliability and durability. Learn about Nissan Primastar 2006 specifications, understand its features, and through historical data, deliberate on whether it fulfills your requirements.

Nissan Primastar 2006 Specifications

The Nissan Primastar 2006 came with several key features that made it a standout choice in its time. Below are some of the noteworthy specifications:

  • Engine: This model came with a 1.9 DCi diesel engine, renowned for its excellent performance and robustness.
  • Transmission: The vehicle features manual transmission with six-speed gearbox, delivering power effectively to the wheels.
  • Seating Capacity: The spacious interior of the Nissan Primastar 2006 allowed for up to nine passengers, making it an excellent choice for larger families or businesses.
  • Fuel Economy: The vehicle offered a commendable fuel economy, with ranges varying depending on the drive cycle (city/highway driving).
  • Safety Features: Fitted with ABS and driver/passenger airbags, the Nissan Primastar 2006 did not compromise on passenger safety.

These, along with many other features, made the Nissan Primastar 2006 a car worth considering for many buyers. Check the historical pricing for this model on our website, and stay informed about your automotive choices.

Our site not only brings you historical car prices but also offers a comprehensive overview of car specifications over the years. For a detailed look at these features or to delve into the history of car prices, make sure to explore our website further. Whether you are a car enthusiast, a potential buyer, or just someone interested in cars, our website has something for everyone!

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