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Nissan - Serena (2006)

Are you interested in the historical prices of cars? Do you want to understand more about the value of the Nissan Serena 2006? You're in the right place. Our website is dedicated to providing you the most accurate historical car prices, enlightening you about the changing car market. The Nissan Serena 2006 has a unique set of specs that make it a coveted model amongst car enthusiasts and economical car owners alike. Find out about the Nissan Serena 2006 specs below:

  • Make: Nissan
  • Model: Serena
  • Year: 2006
  • Body Style: Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)
  • Transmission: Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)
  • Engine Size: 2.0L
  • Engine Type: Inline 4-cylinder DOHC
  • Fuel Type: Petrol

Discover much more about the Nissan Serena 2006 and its unique offerings. Not only do we provide you the historical car prices of this specific model, but we also cover a massive array of vehicles. Navigate our comprehensive database and unveil historical prices, fluctuating trends and other car characteristics that could influence your buying decision.

Whether you are a car enthusiast, a prospective buyer, a car dealer, or just someone eager to learn more about the automotive market, our information on the Nissan Serena 2006 can add great value. Stay informed about its specs and understand the historical car prices before making any buying or selling decisions.

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3 years ago used £6,995.00 Unlock all links
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