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Nissan - Serena (2016)

Discover the historical prices of the Nissan Serena 2016

Are you interested in learning about the historical prices of the Nissan Serena 2016? Our leading-edge website provides comprehensive pricing data of a wide variety of cars, including the Nissan Serena 2016. Explore key specifications and appreciations or depreciations in the Nissan Serena 2016's value over time.

  • Make: Nissan
  • Model: Serena
  • Year: 2016
  • Body Style: Multi-Purpose Vehicle
  • Engine Size: 2.0L
  • Transmission: Automatic
  • Fuel Type: Gasoline/Hybrid
  • Drive Type: Front Wheel Drive/4 Wheel Drive
  • Seats: 7/8 Seater

Our database of car prices delivers a wealth of information about the Nissan Serena 2016, whether you're a dealer, a collector, or an individual interested in purchasing the car yourself. Understanding historical car prices is crucial when considering the value of a car, and we provide all the information you'll need right here. Find out how the Nissan Serena 2016’s price has changed over the year and understand the factors influencing these shifts.

Navigate through our website for additional information about car prices, ranging from classic cars to the latest models. With a comprehensive database and user-friendly design, we are your ultimate source for historical car prices, including the Nissan Serena 2016.

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2 years ago used £8,995.00 Unlock all links
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