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Nissan - Skyline R33 (2014)

If you're a motor enthusiast or a potential car buyer looking for historical car prices, then you've come to the right website. We provide comprehensive data on various car models, including the popular Nissan Skyline R33 2014. Below, you'll find a detailed list of specifications that have contributed to the value and popularity of the Nissan Skyline R33 2014 through the years.

  • Manufacturer: Nissan
  • Model: Skyline R33
  • Year: 2014
  • Engine: 2.6L Twin Turbo Inline 6
  • Transmission: 5-speed Manual
  • Drivetrain: All-Wheel Drive (AWD)
  • Horsepower: 276 hp
  • Fuel Type: Petrol
  • MPG: 18 City/24 Highway
  • Body style: Coupe
  • Seats: 4

Undeniably, the Nissan Skyline R33 2014 is an impressive sports car, blending both performance and style in one package. As you browse through our extensive database, you can compare historical car prices and how the value of the Nissan Skyline R33 2014 has changed over time.

Our mission is to provide you with the most accurate and updated car prices throughout automotive history, aiding you in your car buying journey. So, whether you're interested in the Nissan Skyline R33 2014 or any other car model, rest assured that you'll find everything you need on our website.

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3 years ago used £25,995.00 Unlock all links
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