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Nissan - Terrano (1993)

If you're a car enthusiast, collector, or potential buyer interested in the Nissan Terrano 1993, finding reliable information on its specs and historical prices can be challenging. But don't worry! Our website is dedicated to providing precise historical car prices, offering valuable insights to help you learn more about the value and features of the Nissan Terrano 1993. To enable you to make an educated purchase or sale, we offer an intricate database of car prices based on year, model, and make.

Uncover the specifics of the Nissan Terrano 1993 model as you browse through the detailed list of specs we have put together:

  • Brand: Nissan
  • Model: Terrano 1993
  • Engine: 2.4L or 3.0L, depending on the variant
  • Transmission: 5-Speed Manual or 4-Speed Automatic
  • Body Type: Compact, Mid-size Sport Utility Vehicle
  • Seats: Comfortably seats 5
  • Fuel Consumption: Approximately 12-16 mpg in the city and 15-20 mpg on the highway
  • Drivetrain: Both Rear-Wheel Drive (RWD) and Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) variants are available
  • Safety Features: Includes standard safety features of the time, such as seat belts and airbags

Not only do we provide historical car prices and specs for models such as the Nissan Terrano 1993, but our platform also offers a chance to view price trends over time. This information is very useful for collectors, enthusiasts, and potential buyers or sellers wishing to understand the historical value of this Nissan model.

Dive into our website today to explore more about the Nissan Terrano 1993 and other vintage cars. You're just a click away from uncovering the history of your favorite automobile!

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
1 year ago used €4,500.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used €4,500.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used €4,500.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used €4,800.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used €3,500.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used €3,500.00 Unlock all links
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