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Porsche - Boxster (2011)

Discover the historical car prices on our website, showcasing an extensive database of car values from past eras, including the popular Porsche Boxster 2011. A sporty, high-performance convertible, the Boxster 2011 model is a well-regarded example of advanced German engineering.

The following is an HTML list of specifications that include historical prices, technical information, and performance metrics for the stunning Porsche Boxster 2011:

  • Make: Porsche
  • Model: Boxster
  • Year: 2011
  • Original MSRP: Getting this information through our database shows the pattern of classic car prices over time
  • Engine: 2.9L H6
  • Horsepower: 255
  • Torque: 213 lb-ft
  • Transmission: 6-speed manual or 7-speed automatic
  • Drivetrain: Rear-wheel Drive
  • Weight: Approximately 2,900 lbs

Having a closer look at these details will help you better understand the high performance capabilities and design innovation featured in the Porsche Boxster 2011. When considering car values, these specifications play a key role.

Whether you’re a Porsche enthusiast, collector, or potential buyer, understanding these specifications can help provide insight into the true value of this remarkable vehicle. For full details of the Porsche Boxster 2011's historical prices, simply browse through our website.

Note: The listed specs are based on the base model of the Porsche Boxster 2011. Actual specifications may vary depending upon optional features and packages selected at the time of purchase.

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