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Toyota - 4Runner (2012)

Welcome to our website dedicated to providing comprehensive historical car prices and specific car specifications. Pivotal to our immense database is the Toyota 4Runner 2012, a model known for its reliability, durability, and outstanding off-road capabilities. As a trusted online resource, we strive to provide precise and detailed information about different car models and their historical pricing over the years.

Below is an HTML list of specifications for the Toyota 4Runner 2012:

<li>Make: Toyota</li>
<li>Model: 4Runner</li>
<li>Year: 2012</li>
<li>Engine: 4.0L V6</li>
<li>Horsepower: 270 hp</li>
<li>Torque: 278 lb-ft</li>
<li>Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive</li>
<li>Transmission: 5-Speed Automatic</li>
<li>Fuel Economy: 17 MPG city / 23 MPG highway</li>
<li>Cargo Capacity: 89.7 cu.ft.</li>

Looking for the Toyota 4Runner 2012 historical car prices? Here at our website, we have a comprehensive archive of car prices over time, including the data on Toyota 4Runner models. Navigate around and get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

Our commitment is to provide reliable, in-depth information about this car model's market trend, including prices, specification changes, its resale value, and much more. Plug into our vast database of historical car prices, including the trending data for Toyota 4Runner 2012, and gather meaningful car price insights for your next purchase.

Our website simplifies the car buying process by giving you valuable historical pricing data for various car models, including the Toyota 4Runner 2012.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
1 year ago used US$18,298.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used US$18,499.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used US$18,499.00 Unlock all links
1 year ago used US$18,495.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used US$15,500.00 Unlock all links
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