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Toyota - Sienna (2000)

Discover the history of car prices specifically for the model Toyota Sienna 2000 on our dedicated website. Our unique database provides comprehensive insight into the fluctuating market trends, allowing car enthusiasts and prospective buyers alike to track the depreciating or appreciating value of this popular minivan.

Below you can find the specific technical specifications for the Toyota Sienna 2000:

  • Model: Toyota Sienna 2000
  • Type: Minivan
  • Engine: 3.0L V6
  • Power: 194 hp
  • Torque: 209 lb-ft
  • Transmission: 4-speed automatic
  • Drivetrain: Front-wheel drive
  • Fuel economy: Up to 18/24 mpg city/highway
  • Seating capacity: 7 people

Besides the technical specs, we offer historical price data that aids in evaluating the fair market price for a second-hand Toyota Sienna 2000. This invaluable information helps prevent overpaying for used vehicles and can provide a benchmark for those considering selling their Toyota Sienna 2000 car.

Explore our website further to delve into our vast database of historical car prices. Whether you are a car enthusiast or a savvy buyer looking to make a smart investment, our plethora of resources pertaining to the Toyota Sienna 2000 and many other car models can accommodate your needs.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
3 years ago used US$2,200.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used US$2,200.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used US$2,200.00 Unlock all links
Note that old links may not work