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Toyota - Starlet (1997)

If you're looking to research the Toyota Starlet 1997 and its historical car prices, you've come to the right place. Our website is a wealth of knowledge, providing data and insight into the world of classic and historical cars.

Below we present some of the key specs for the Toyota Starlet 1997:

  • Make: Toyota
  • Model: Starlet
  • Year: 1997
  • Engine: 1.3L 4-Cylinder
  • Transmission: Automatic/Manual
  • Body Style: Hatchback
  • Drivetrain: Front-Wheel Drive
  • Fuel Type: Petrol
  • Seating Capacity: 5

The Toyota Starlet 1997 is a car loaded with nostalgic charm, representative of Toyota's commitment to economy, reliability, and durability. You can find a detailed history of pricing trends for this model on our website, giving you a sound understanding of its market value over time.

Whether you're a seasoned collector, willing to sell your Toyota Starlet 1997, or an enthusiast hunting for investment opportunities in historical cars, our website is your ultimate guide to understanding the monetary value of these automotive treasures.

Explore the rise and fall in historical prices for the Toyota Starlet 1997 and compare it with other classic car models. Our comprehensive archives cover many years and a vast range of makes and models. We are committed to helping you make an informed decision on your next classic car purchase or sale.

Remember to come back to our website regularly to stay updated with the latest fluctuations in historical car prices, particularly for the Toyota Starlet 1997.

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2 years ago used £7,495.00 Unlock all links
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