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Toyota - Starlet (1999)

With a rich history of reliable, innovative, and efficient vehicle manufacturing, Toyota has its very own special place in the auto-world. The auto-giant does not cease to amaze us, and no better example of this than the Toyota Starlet 1999. This remarkable model continues to hold a unique position in the global used car market. If you're looking for historical car prices of the Toyota Starlet 1999, you've come to the right place. Let's dig into the specs for the vintage Toyota Starlet 1999:

  • Make: Toyota
  • Model: Starlet
  • Year: 1999
  • Body Style: Compact/Hatchback
  • Transmission: Manual/Automatic
  • Engine Type: 1.3L 4-cylinder
  • Horsepower: 75 hp
  • Fuel Type: Petrol
  • Drivetrain: Front-wheel drive
  • Wheelbase: 93.7 inches
From the above specs, it's clear that the Toyota Starlet 1999 was a compact, fuel-efficient vehicle that was great for city driving. It combined practicality, affordability, and reliability into one small package, a formula that made it very popular among buyers. Today, the Starlet remains a sought-after choice in the used car market because of its impeccable dependability and impressive fuel economy. Here at our historical car prices website, we're dedicated to providing comprehensive data and prices for vintage models like the Starlet. Learn more about its value over the years by browsing our extensive database and discover why the Toyota Starlet 1999 continues to rule the roost among classic compact cars.
Remember, discovering the past of your favourite cars can be both exciting and enlightening. Make our website your go-to resource for historical car prices and specifications.

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