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BMW - 216 (2020)

When looking for a car, affordability and maintenance should definitely be one of your considerations. Our site offers you accurate historical data about car prices, ensuring you make the right decision for your budget. Today, we bring you a detailed historical price report and list of specifications for the BMW 216 2020 model. This luxury car model, known for its cutting-edge technology and stunning design, is key to understanding the trends in the luxury car market.

  • Year: 2020
  • Brand: BMW
  • Model: 216
  • Body: Hatchback
  • Doors: 5-door model
  • Engine: 1.5L three-cylinder engine
  • Transmission: 6-speed manual or 7-speed dual-clutch automatic
  • Fuel type: Petrol or Diesel
  • Drive Type: Front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive

For more detailed historical price information and specifications of the BMW 216 2020 model, or other car models, feel free to navigate our website. We strive to provide reliable data that can be used as a guide in your next car purchase - providing sustainable solutions that align with your budget and style preference.

Keep in mind that the value of a car is not purely dictated by the initial purchase price. Factors like maintenance cost, fuel efficiency, and safety features are as important in determining whether a car suits you or not. On our website, we take those factors into account as well, giving you a comprehensive understanding of car ownership cost.

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2 years ago used €27,975.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used €27,975.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used €27,975.00 Unlock all links
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