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BMW - 525 (2004)

If you are curious about the historical car prices specifically of a BMW 525 2004, you've come to the right place. We at our site are dedicated to bringing comprehensive and accurate information on the historical pricing of various vehicles. Our database includes the specifics on the BMW 525 2004 model as well, a classic luxury sedan that was a hit during its time.

Before we delve into those details, let's take a look at the specifications of the BMW 525 2004. This luxury sedan is known for its exceptional quality and outstanding performance. Here's an overview:

  • Manufacturer: BMW
  • Model: 525
  • Year: 2004
  • Body Type: Sedan
  • Engine: 2.5 L M54B25 I6
  • Power: 184 hp
  • Torque: 175 lb-ft
  • Drivetrain: Rear-Wheel Drive
  • Transmission: 6-speed manual/5-speed automatic
  • Fuel Economy: 20 city / 29 hwy MPG

Now, onto the main subject matter, the historical cost of a BMW 525 2004. Pricing a used car such as the BMW can be tricky due to several factors, including mileage, condition, location, and many more! That's why we're here - to help you navigate these aspects and address your queries about the historical prices of the BMW 525 2004 model. Check out our website for the detailed pricing history!

Remember, the knowledge of historical car prices can give you an advantage while negotiating the price of a used car. And if you are a seller, it can help you evaluate your vehicle to ensure you're selling it at the right price. If you're interested in learning more about the historical rates for other vehicle models, feel free to browse our comprehensive information database.

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2 years ago used €5,500.00 Unlock all links
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