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BMW - E36 3 Series [91-99] (1995)

We offer a comprehensive archive of historical car prices for various models, including the BMW E36 3 Series [91-99] 1995. This car is well known for its style, performance, and iconic status in the BMW lineup.

If you are a car enthusiast, potential buyer, or a proud owner looking for a detailed breakdown of the vehicle's specifications, look no further. Below, we provide a comprehensive list of the BMW E36 3 Series [91-99] 1995 specs:

  • Brand: BMW
  • Model: E36 3 Series [91-99]
  • Year: 1995
  • Body Type: Sedan/Coupe/Convertible
  • Engine: Inline 6, Petrol
  • Transmission: Manual/Automatic
  • Power: Varies between models, up to 240 hp
  • 0-60 mph: From 7.5 Seconds
  • Torque: Up to 236 lb-ft
  • Wheelbase: 106.3 inches
  • Weight: Between 3000-3200 lbs
  • Fuel Economy: Average of 22 MPG

Remember, the historical car prices on our site will allow you to see how the market value of the BMW E36 3 Series [91-99] 1995 has changed over the years. So, whether you're selling, buying, or just a car lover wanting to know more, our website has invaluable resources on the BMW E36 3 Series [91-99] 1995 and countless other makes and models.

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2 years ago used £2,600.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £1,500.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £6,995.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £1,500.00 Unlock all links
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