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BMW - E36 3 Series [91-99] (2000)

Looking to find the historical price of the classic BMW E36 3 Series [91-99] 2000? Look no further! Our website houses an extensive list of historical car prices, making it easier than ever to find the fair price of various car models over the years. The BMW E36 3 Series [91-99] 2000 is just one of the many car models we cover.

This compact executive car was part of BMW's 3 Series lineup and marked the transition into the modern era of BMW styling, providing excellent handling, a smooth drive, and a comfortable cabin. Here are some key specifications of the BMW E36 3 Series [91-99] 2000:

  • Origin: Germany
  • Manufacturer: BMW
  • Production Year: 2000
  • Body Type: Compact executive car
  • Engine: Varies by model, but could include 1.6L to 3.2L engines
  • Transmission: Available in manual (5 or 6-speed) and automatic versions
  • Power Output: Ranges from 102 to 321 horsepower
  • Drivetrain: Rear-wheel drive

We supply reliable and accurate historical price data for the BMW E36 3 Series [91-99] 2000 and other vintage and modern cars. With our extensive database, it's easy to find the valuation or price history of any car you're interested in. Whether you're a curious owner, prospective buyer, or a car enthusiast, use our website to dive deep into the world of classic car prices.

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3 years ago used £6,500.00 Unlock all links
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