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BMW - E36 M3 [92-99] (1990)

Discover the historical prices of the BMW E36 M3 [92-99] 1990 at our website. This vintage car is a fan-favorite, known for its mobile engineering and dominant performance. We offer detailed price histories, allowing car enthusiasts, collectors, and potential buyers to understand how this car's value has changed over the decades.

The BMW E36 M3 [92-99] 1990 models are highly sought after, increasing in value over time due to its high performance, sleek design, and the notable 'M' brand of BMW. Gain insights into the real-time market value of this classic car, and make an informed decision when buying or selling.

  • Car Model: BMW E36 M3 [92-99]
  • Year: 1990
  • Engine: 3.0L Inline-six
  • Power: 240 horsepower
  • Torque: 305 Nm
  • Drivetrain: Rear-wheel drive
  • Transmission: Choice of five-speed manual or automatic
  • Body Style: Available in coupe, sedan, and convertible

No matter if you're a car collector, someone planning to sell their BMW E36 M3 [92-99] 1990, or a potential buyer looking for a classic to drive or store away as an investment, check out our website.

By understanding the price fluctuations and demand for this car model, you can proceed with a realistic valuation. Don't miss out on having the most detailed and accurate historical car prices for the BMW E36 M3 [92-99] 1990.

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3 years ago used £72,000.00 Unlock all links
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