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BMW - M6 (1985)

Our website brings you the most comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date data on historical car prices. In our extensive database, you can find a wealth of information on various cars, including the classic BMW M6 1985. This iconic car, known for its impressive performance and timeless design, is a favorite among BMW enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.

Let's dive into the specifications of the BMW M6 1985:

  • Make and model: BMW M6
  • Year: 1985
  • Body Type: Coupe
  • Engine: 3.5-liter inline-six
  • Power Output: 286 horsepower
  • Transmission: 5-speed manual
  • Drivetrain: Rear-wheel drive
  • Fuel type: Gasoline

And so much more. Not only do we provide the detailed specs of the BMW M6 1985, but we also offer its historical price data. This information is invaluable if you're considering buying or selling this classic car. Our historical prices are derived from various sources, including auctions, private sales, and dealerships, offering you a comprehensive overview of the car's value over time.

The BMW M6 1985 is a classic car enthusiasts dream, combining power, prestige, and style. Whether you're a collector, an investor, or simply a lover of classic cars, our detailed information on the historical prices and specifications of the BMW M6 1985 can guide your next decision.

Explore our website today for the BMW M6 1985 and many other classic cars. Find the historical prices, detailed specifications, and everything else you need to know about your favorite models. Enjoy this comprehensive guide to car history.

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2 years ago used £20,000.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £57,995.00 Unlock all links
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