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BMW - Other Models (1970)

Whether you're a classic car enthusiast, collector, or investor, knowing the historical car prices is important for making smarter decisions. Our website specializes in providing historical car prices for a wide range of vehicles, including BMW Other Models from 1970. If you're interested in this vintage beauty, we've gathered some of its key specifications for you.

  • Brand: BMW
  • Model: Other Models
  • Year: 1970
  • Body Type: Depending on the specific model, sedans, sports coupes, and convertibles were available.
  • Engine Type: BMW EA-827, a 1.6–2.0 L diesel I4. Again, the exact model could alter this specification.
  • Fuel Type: Gasoline. Some models may also have been available in diesel.
  • Transmission: Typically, a 4-speed manual was standard, though some models may have offered automatic.

Besides these basic specifications, our detailed analysis includes the various attributes that could affect the car's price, such as its condition, mileage, restoration quality, rarity, and original components. Our aim is to provide the most complete and accurate information on the historical prices of BMW Other Models 1970 and other classic cars. The comprehensive data available on our website can assist in identifying potential investment opportunities, pricing comparison, or simply feeding your curiosity about vintage cars. So, for all the data you need on the historical prices of BMW cars, look no further than our website.

Last 20 car trackeds

Last tracked date Status Price Price rank Link
2 years ago used £54,950.00 Unlock all links
2 years ago used £54,950.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £53,950.00 Unlock all links
3 years ago used £53,950.00 Unlock all links
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