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BMW - Other Models (2005)

Find historical car prices for the BMW Other Models 2005 at our website. We are an online platform specifically designed to provide information about car prices in the past, right up till the current day. Our data-driven insights come from trusted sources making us the go-to resource for car enthusiasts, buyers, sellers, and historians. Dive into the past and uncover the evolution of the BMW Other Models 2005 value over the years.

Browse through the BMW Other Models 2005 specs detailed below:

  • Engine Type: Gas
  • Horsepower: 325 hp
  • MPG: 18 city / 25 highway
  • Weight: 3,781 lbs
  • Transmission: 6-speed manual
  • Vehicle Type: Convertible
  • Dimensions: 176″ L x 70″ W x 54″ H

Our website offers detailed insights not only on the historical prices of the BMW Other Models 2005 but also on a wide range of other makes and models. We provide an in-depth look at the trends that have influenced the pricing and valuation of cars, from economy shifts, market trends, and even advances in technology.

Whether you're interested in the BMW Other Models 2005 for its classic status, or planning on purchasing a similar model, our historical car prices database will give you a clear picture on how its value has changed over time. Information is power when negotiating a buy or sell - and our objective is to empower you with precise historical car pricing data.

Come and explore historical car prices with us today.

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2 years ago used £25,000.00 Unlock all links
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